Paramount Restoration Blog

December 23rd, 2022

What to Do if a Tree Falls on Your Roof.

Unfortunately, the aftermath can be extremely stressful and worrisome. If there is a risk of collapse, call 911 immediately! If authorities have been notified, they will advise you of evacuation procedures. If they cannot find you or there are no emergency crews available, evacuate yourself to a safe location using any other means outside your home or building. Here are some tips on what to do if a tree falls on your roof.

If you cannot stay in the house, ensure it is secure against entry by wildlife or any other unauthorized persons or parties before leaving it unattended. This could prevent additional damage after you go to minimize YOUR loss! Consider a temporary roof overhang or tarp if there is significant debris on the roof until it can be repaired or replaced. This will help prevent further damage and make it much easier to clean up after the emergency has passed.

Call your insurance company as soon as possible, even if there is no damage done to the interior of your home at this point! They will have specific guidelines for documenting the incident and may want you to take photos and videos of the damage. You should also take pictures or videos of any trees that appear unstable or may pose a future threat. Your claim adjuster will want to know how many trees are on your property, their species, and any growth that seems out of place, like tumors or dead branches.

If your home is damaged and there are trees directly on the roof, it is advised that you hire someone to remove them. A professional tree removal company will be able to provide a more thorough, safe, and coordinated effort to make sure that every last tree on your property (and within the immediate vicinity) has been removed. You can contact tree removal companies by calling your local firehouse or utilizing a service. That is why you should go ahead and contact them now, as soon as you learn that there is a problem. This way, you are ready to pay them as soon as they arrive, and they can begin work immediately.

They will know exactly where the fallen tree is located and how they will cut it off your property without causing any damage or harm to everyone or anything else. It's essential to clean up any debris outside your home as soon and safely as possible after the incident. If you are doing it yourself, take things slow! Watch where you walk and what you're stepping on. You don't want to step on anything sharp or spiky, and watch out for nails, screws, or other objects from the tree removal. You should always wear protective gear when doing this type of work, particularly if it's been raining recently or if there is a chance that branches could be attached to the fallen tree with nails or other sharp objects.

Refrain from attempting to remove the fallen tree yourself, even if it seems like it might be possible. The tree may be structurally weak and could collapse. If you are still determining how stable it is, wait for the professionals to remove it! You can also use a cellular phone or other means of communication if there is still reception in your area to get in touch with emergency crews or contractors who can help you deal with the situation.

You'll need people with heavy-duty rakes, shovels, and equipment to dispose of the tree. If you cannot get the tree removed or if the damage is too significant for a temporary patch until it can be removed, your insurance company may offer other assistance. Look into these options as soon as possible if you have significant amounts of debris that need to be removed.

Work with a professional tree removal company and ensure they do the job properly and safely. Only try to do this on your own if you're absolutely sure you can deal with it on your own! Remember to get your insurance claim ready, and feel free to reach out for help to deal with this unique and unfortunate situation. Your local government (if you live in an area with city or state services) or your local state or national park may be able to assist, too!

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